HomeBlogSocial MediaFacebookEfficiently View Blocked Profiles on Facebook: Tips & Tricks

Efficiently View Blocked Profiles on Facebook: Tips & Tricks

Managing your social media presence can be a complex task, especially when it comes to navigating blocked profiles on Facebook. 

Viewing blocked profiles on Facebook can have certain benefits, although it’s important to note that attempting to access or view someone’s blocked profile without their permission may violate their privacy and Facebook’s terms of service. Nevertheless, understanding the potential benefits can provide insights into the importance of respecting privacy boundaries on social media platforms.

It’s essential to emphasize that respecting others’ privacy and adhering to ethical guidelines are paramount when using social media platforms like Facebook. Attempting to view blocked profiles without permission can infringe on individuals’ privacy rights and lead to negative consequences. It is always recommended to prioritize open communication, consent, and respectful interactions within the digital realm.

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View Blocked Profiles

Viewing Blocked Profiles on Facebook

Sometimes, we need to block toxic people from our social media lives. At times, you may wish to consider giving someone a second chance or check if they have been blocked. 

Accessing Your List of Blocked Users

To view your friend list containing all the users that you have blocked, follow these simple steps:

  1. Login to your Facebook account.
  2. Click on the downward arrow located at the top right corner of the page.
  3. Select “Settings & Privacy” from the dropdown menu.
  4. Choose “Settings.”
  5. In the left-hand column, click on “Blocking.”

You should now see a list displaying all users that are currently blocked by you. 

If needed, use this opportunity to review whether any changes should be made regarding these individuals in question.

How To Unblock Someone On Facebook

If you decide it’s time for reconciliation or simply wish for better communication moving forward with certain individuals – here’s how:

  1. Navigate back toward where we accessed our previously mentioned ‘Blocked Users’ section within Settings (as described above).
  2. Locate the person you want to unblock from your list.
  3. Click on “Unblock” located next to their name.
  4. A confirmation window will appear, asking if you’re sure about this decision – select “Confirm.”

Note: After unblocking someone, it may take up to 48 hours for them to reappear within search results or be able to send friend requests again. Also, they won’t automatically become friends with you; a new friend request must be sent and accepted by both parties involved before any interactions can resume as normal.

Snoozing Friends for Temporary Relief

If blocking seems too harsh but you still want some distance from certain individuals in your news feed, consider using the snooze functionality instead. This feature allows you to temporarily hide their posts for 30 days without unfriending or blocking them completely.

Steps to Snooze Friends’ Posts for 30 Days

  1. Navigate to the post of the friend you wish to snooze on your Facebook news feed.
  2. Click on the three-dot menu icon located at the top right corner of their post.
  3. Select “Snooze [Friend’s Name] for 30 days” from the dropdown menu that appears.
  4. A confirmation message will pop up, letting you know that this person’s content has been successfully snoozed and when it will resume appearing in your news feed again after 30 days have passed.

How Snoozing Affects Notifications and Interactions

Snoozing a friend does not affect notifications related to events, groups, or pages where both parties are involved. You’ll still receive these notifications as usual. 

Also, while a friend is snoozed:

  • Their posts won’t appear in your news feed during those 30 days unless they tag you directly in them; however, even then such tagged posts may be subjected to review depending upon individual privacy settings.
  • You can visit their profile page anytime if desired to catch up with any missed updates manually – remember though doing this might trigger the Facebook algorithm into thinking that you’re interested in their content again which could potentially affect how often it appears within your feed after the snooze period ends.
  • You can still interact with them through comments, likes, and messages without any restrictions or limitations during this time frame.

To end the snooze period before 30 days, click “End Snooze” under the cover photo on their profile page. This will instantly resume displaying their posts within your news feed as per usual settings once more.

Verifying Whether You’re Blocked by Someone Else

Someone else may have chosen to block you on Facebook due to various reasons.

Signs that indicate being blocked by another user

If you suspect that a friend or acquaintance may have blocked you on Facebook, there are some signs you can look for:

  • You cannot find their profile in the search results.
  • Their posts and comments are no longer visible on your timeline or mutual friends’ timelines.
  • Your previous messages with them appear as “Facebook User” instead of their name, and their profile picture is replaced with a default image.
  • You cannot send new messages or friend requests to the person in question.

Please note that these signs do not guarantee that someone has blocked you; they could also mean the person deactivated their account temporarily. To confirm if they have indeed blocked you, try asking a mutual friend if they can still see the suspected blocker’s profile. If so, the person has likely chosen to block only your account specifically.

Read: How to delete Facebook messages

Understanding limitations after being blocked

If someone blocks you on Facebook, it means they want minimal interaction with your online presence. 

As such, certain limitations come into play when dealing with people who’ve decided to block you:

  1. No communication: You will not be able to send private messages or post anything on each other’s walls once either party blocks one other from communicating through the Facebook Messenger app & website alike.
  2. No access to profile information: When blocked, you will not be able to view the person’s profile, photos, or posts.
  3. No tagging: You won’t be able to tag each other in posts or comments.

In some cases, being blocked might lead you to reevaluate your online behavior and interactions. 

Remember that maintaining a positive and respectful presence on social media is essential for healthy relationships with friends and acquaintances alike. For more tips on fostering a better online experience, consider reading this article about Facebook etiquette.

Managing Your Privacy Settings Effectively

Ensuring proper privacy settings is crucial in maintaining control over who sees your content and interacts with it online.

Customizing Audience Selection for Individual Posts

To have better control over who can view your posts, you can customize the audience selection for each post you share on Facebook. 

Follow these steps to set custom audiences:

  1. Edit the audience selection of an existing post by clicking on “Edit” next to the “Post” button.
  2. Click the dropdown menu near the “Post” button (it may say “Public,” “Friends,” or something else).
  3. Select “Custom” from the list of options.
  4. In the pop-up window, choose specific friends or lists that you’d like to share this post with, or exclude people by typing their names under “Don’t share with.”
  5. Click on “Save Changes” and then proceed to publish your post.

Read: Facebook post ideas

Reviewing Tagged Photos Before They Appear Publicly

Sometimes, friends might tag you in photos without asking for permission first. To avoid unwanted surprises, enable Timeline Review which allows reviewing tags before they become visible on your profile. 

Here’s how:

  1. Navigate to “Settings & Privacy > Settings > Timeline and Tagging”.
  2. In the section titled “Who can add things to my timeline?”, find the option “Review posts you’re tagged in before the post appears on your timeline?” and click “Edit”.
  3. Select “Enabled” from the dropdown menu to review posts you are tagged in before they appear on your timeline.

Now, whenever someone tags you in a photo or post, it will be sent to your “Activity Log > Timeline Review” for approval. You can choose whether to add it to your profile or not by clicking on either “Add To Timeline” or “Hide.”

Handling Unwanted Friend Requests & Messages

Unwanted friend requests or messages might pop up occasionally within our inbox causing discomfort at times. However, there exist ways to handle these situations without resorting immediately to blocking someone outright.

Filtering Message Requests from Non-Friends

If you’re receiving unsolicited messages from people who are not on your friend list, Facebook offers a way to filter them out. 

By default, message requests from non-friends will be sent to the “Message Requests” folder in your Messenger app or desktop version. 

To access this folder:

  1. In the Messenger app, tap on your profile picture in the top left corner and select “Message Requests.”
  2. In the desktop version, click on the chat icon at the top right corner and choose “See All in Messenger.” Then click on the gear icon and select “Message Requests.”

You can review these messages individually and decide whether you want to accept or ignore them. 

Ignoring a message request will prevent future communication with that person unless they become friends with you later.

Declining or Ignoring Friend Requests Politely

Sometimes we receive friend requests from people we don’t know personally or simply do not wish to connect with for various reasons. 

Instead of accepting every request blindly, consider taking one of these actions:

  • Delete Request: Click on their profile page and hover over where it says “Friend Request Sent,” then click Delete Request. Simply click Delete Request on their profile page to remove the request from your list without notifying them.
  • Mark as Spam: If you believe that a friend request is spam or fake, click on their profile page and hover over where it says “Friend Request Sent,” then click Mark as Spam. This helps Facebook identify potentially harmful accounts.

Be selective in who you choose to connect with on social media sites like Facebook, prioritizing the quality of connections over quantity while protecting your safety and privacy.

Reporting and Dealing with Harassment on Facebook

If necessary, further action can be taken against those who continue to harass or threaten you on Facebook. 

How to Report Harassment or Abuse through Facebook’s Tools

If you encounter any form of harassment or abuse while using Facebook, it is essential to know how to report such incidents effectively. 

Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Navigate to the post, comment, profile, or message where the offensive content is located.
  2. Click on the three-dot menu icon (usually found in the top right corner) next to the content in question.
  3. Select “Report” from the dropdown menu that appears.
  4. Follow Facebook’s guided prompts for reporting specific types of violations (e.g., hate speech, bullying).
  5. Provide any additional information requested by Facebook during this process so they can better understand your concerns and take appropriate action against those responsible for violating their Community Standards.

Additional Measures for Ensuring Personal Safety Online

Beyond utilizing Facebook’s built-in reporting features when faced with harassment or abuse online, there are other proactive measures one can take:

  • Tighten privacy settings: Adjust your privacy settings, including limiting who can see your posts and send friend requests/messages.
  • Maintain a strong support network: Rely on friends and family members who use social media responsibly; consider joining online support groups or forums where you can share your experiences and receive advice from others who have faced similar challenges.
  • Block the offender: If necessary, block the person responsible for harassment to prevent them from contacting you or viewing your profile.
  • Contact local authorities: In cases of severe harassment, stalking, or threats of violence, consider reporting these incidents to law enforcement agencies in addition to Facebook’s internal review process.

FAQs about View Blocked Profiles

No, once you block someone on Facebook, their profile becomes inaccessible to you. You will not be able to see their posts, photos, or any other information related to their account.

You cannot directly view the profile of someone who has blocked you on Facebook. However, if they unblock you or if you create a new account and send them a friend request, then it may be possible for you to access their profile again.

If someone blocks your account on Facebook, it is impossible for both parties involved (the blocker and the one being blocked) to access each other’s profiles unless the blocking action is reversed by the person who initiated it.

In order to view an Instagram user’s content after being blocked by them or vice versa, either party would need permission from that user through the following requests. Alternatively, creating another account could allow temporary access; however, this practice violates Instagram’s Community Guidelines.


In conclusion, managing your Facebook privacy settings is essential to maintaining a safe and enjoyable online experience. By learning how to view blocked profiles, snooze friends’ posts, verify if you’ve been blocked by someone else, manage friend requests and messages effectively, and report harassment or abuse through Facebook’s tools, you can take control of your social media presence.

It’s important to keep your friend list updated and remove anyone who makes you feel uncomfortable or violates your privacy. By doing so, you can ensure that your Facebook experience is positive and enjoyable.

Be mindful of the risks that come with using the internet and always prioritize your safety. Stay vigilant in protecting yourself from unwanted interactions and always prioritize your safety above all else.

If you want more tips on managing your online presence or other digital marketing insights for businesses, check out WallBlog.

Youssef Hodaigui is an entrepreneur, blogger and SEO expert with a strong track record of success in launching and growing blogs and websites. He has a deep understanding of search engine algorithms and the latest digital marketing techniques, and he is committed to helping bloggers and entrepreneurs achieve their online business goals.

The Wall is a digital blog that helps the marketing, media and communications industries to understand the effects of emerging technology and media change. From ecommerce and email, to search and social media, The Wall features expert commentators and analysis of digital developments.


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