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Comprehensive Guide to Delete Facebook Activity Efficiently

Managing and deleting Facebook activity is an essential skill for business owners, marketers, bloggers, entrepreneurs, and founders who want to maintain a professional online presence. 

Deleting Facebook activity allows users to take control of their online presence and remove specific posts, likes, comments, or other interactions from their Facebook history. This feature enables users to manage their privacy, clean up their profiles, and maintain a more curated online identity. By deleting activity, users can ensure that outdated, irrelevant, or unwanted posts no longer represent them on the platform. 

Deleting Facebook activity is a valuable tool for users to manage their online presence, protect their privacy, and ensure that their Facebook profile accurately reflects their current interests and values.

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Delete Facebook Activity

Accessing Your Activity Log on Facebook

The Activity Log is a record of all your past searches and activities on the site, which you can find through your account settings. Learn where to locate this feature in both desktop and mobile versions of Facebook.

Finding the Activity Log on the Desktop

To access your Activity Log using the desktop version of Facebook, follow these simple steps:

  • Login to your Facebook account.
  • Click on the downward arrow located at the top-right corner of the page.
  • Select “Settings & Privacy” from the dropdown menu.
  • In this submenu, click “Activity Log.”

You will now be able to observe and supervise the entirety of your Facebook activity log including posts you’ve made or shared, comments left by others or yourself, reactions given or received, search history, and more.

Locating the Activity Log on Mobile

If you’re using a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet to access Facebook via their app, then the following instructions should help you locate this feature easily:

  1. Log in to the official Facebook application (available on both iOS and Android platforms).
  2. Tap the three horizontal lines icon situated either at the bottom right or left side, depending on the specific operating system you’re currently using. This is referred to as the ‘Menu’ button.
  3. Scroll down until you reach the section labeled “Settings.” Once found, simply press enter to begin exploring the various options provided within.
  4. Next, choose the “Activity Log” option from the list of available settings. This will open up your Activity Log where you can view and manage all your Facebook activities.

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Deleting Individual Activities from Your Activity Log

In some cases, you may want to remove specific items from your activity log without clearing everything. 

Removing Searches or Posts Individually

To delete single searches or posts from your Facebook activity log, follow these steps:

  • Head to your profile page and press the “Activity Log” button beneath your cover image.
  • In the Activity Log, pick out and opt for the type of activity you want to get rid of (e.g., Posts, Comments, Likes) from the left side column.
  • Locate the specific search or post in question within this filtered list.
  • Click on the pencil icon next to it and choose “Delete” for posts or “Remove Search” for searches.
  • A confirmation window will appear; click “Delete Post” or “Remove Search” again to confirm your action.

Hiding Specific Activities from Timeline

If you prefer not to delete an item but would rather hide it from public view on your timeline, follow these simple steps:

  • Navigate back into Facebook’s desktop app/site version and access the account settings menu by clicking the top right corner dropdown arrow, then select the ‘Activity Log’ option provided thereunder.
  • Use filters located along the side panel area to filter desired type(s) – whether they be likes, comments, etc.
  • Once found, simply hover over the entry until a small gear symbol appears; press said button to reveal additional choices, including the “Hide from Timeline” selection which, when clicked upon, will remove specific activity from timeline display purposes only (note: this does not delete the action itself).

If you want to clear your entire Facebook activity log, you can do so by following the steps to delete Facebook activity as a whole, including your activity log and search history.

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Clearing Search History and Video Watch History

If you’re looking for a quicker way to clean up certain parts of your activity log, Facebook allows users to clear their search history and video watch history all at once. 

Read: Facebook video ads

Steps for Clearing Search History

To delete your entire search history, follow the steps below:

  • Navigate to your Activity Log by clicking on the downward arrow in the top right corner of Facebook’s desktop version or tapping on the menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the mobile app.
  • Select “Activity Log” from the dropdown menu or list of options.
  • In your Activity Log, click on “More” located under the “Comments” section on the left side panel (desktop) or tap “Filters” then select “Categories” followed by the “Logged Actions & Other Activities” option in the mobile app.
  • Click or tap on “Search History”. You will see a list of all past searches made using Facebook’s search bar.
  • Click/tap beside each entry to remove individual searches and choose “Delete”. To clear the entire search history at once, click/tap the “Clear Searches” button located at the top-right corner (desktop) or bottom part (mobile).

How-to Guide for Deleting Video Watch History

Cleaning up your video watch history is also simple with these steps:

  • In the Activity Log page mentioned in the step-by-step instructions provided earlier in this post, locate the category labeled as ‘Videos You’ve Watched’ either through the filter option in the mobile app or by directly clicking it on the left side panel on the desktop version.
  • Once you’ve accessed your video watch history, click/tap on the “Clear Video Watch History” button at the top-right corner (desktop) or bottom part (mobile).
  • A confirmation prompt will appear asking if you’re sure about deleting all watched videos from this log. Click/tap “Confirm” to proceed with clearing your entire video watch history.

By using these functions, you can securely guarantee that any data related to searches and viewed videos are not accessible by other people who have access to your Facebook account. 

Remember that regular maintenance of your activity log helps keep a clean digital footprint on social media platforms like Facebook.

Using the Manage Posts Function for Mass Deletion

Using the Manage Posts function is an efficient method if you have multiple posts that need to be removed.

Selecting Multiple Posts Simultaneously

To use the Manage Posts feature to delete several posts at once, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your profile page by clicking on the three-dot icon next to “Add Story” and selecting “Manage Posts”.
  2. Click on the three-dot icon located next to “Add Story” and select “Manage Posts”.
  3. In the newly opened window, you’ll be presented with a display of all your posts in grid form. To select multiple items for deletion, click on each post’s checkbox located in the top left corner.
  4. Once all desired posts have been selected, click “Next” at the bottom right corner of the screen to initiate deletion.

Confirming Deletion Process

The final step in mass deleting Facebook posts involves confirming your selections and initiating deletion. 

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. In this new window titled “Edit Your Selected Posts,” choose “Delete” from the available options (other choices include hiding or untagging).

By using the Manage Posts function, you can delete multiple posts at once, saving you time and effort.

Understanding Privacy Settings Related to Your Activity Log

Although your activity log is only visible to you by default, it’s crucial to understand how privacy settings work on Facebook. This will help you maintain control over who sees what information within your profile page and ensure that no unwanted eyes view personal data shared online via Facebook. 

Customizing Visibility of Individual Activities

To customize the visibility of specific activities in your activity log, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to your Activity Log.
  2. Choose an activity from the displayed list.
  3. Click on the small icon next to the date (it might show a globe or lock symbol).
  4. In the dropdown menu, choose who can see this particular activity – options include Public, Friends, Only Me, or Custom.
  5. If necessary, click “Save Changes.”

Setting Default Privacy Levels for Future Posts

You can also set default privacy levels for future posts so that they are automatically shared with a selected audience. 

To do this:

  • Navigate to Facebook’s main page and click on the downward arrow at the top right corner of the screen; select “Settings & Privacy,” then “Settings.”
  • In the left-hand column under ‘Privacy,’ locate the option labeled ‘Who can see your future posts?’ Click the ‘Edit’ button next to it.
  • Choose the desired audience from the dropdown menu (Public, Friends, or Custom) and confirm the selection by clicking “Close.”

By adjusting these settings, you can ensure that your Facebook activity log remains private and only visible to the people you trust. 

For more information on privacy settings, visit Facebook’s Help Center.

Tips and Best Practices for Maintaining Facebook Activity Log Privacy

It’s essential to be proactive about maintaining your privacy on social media platforms like Facebook. 

Regularly Reviewing Your Activity Log

To stay on top of your Facebook activity, it’s crucial to regularly review your activity log. This allows you to detect any unwanted or outdated content that needs removal or adjustment in visibility settings. Remember to check the log at least once a month so you can delete Facebook posts or clear searches as needed.

Limiting Access to Friends or Specific Groups

You have control over who sees what information within your profile page by adjusting privacy controls accordingly. To limit access, consider setting the default audience for future posts as “Friends” instead of “Public.” 

You can also create custom friend lists with specific groups (e.g., family members, close friends) and set the visibility of individual activities accordingly.

  • Create Custom Friend Lists: Go to facebook.com/bookmarks/lists, click “+ Create List,” name it, add friends, then click “Create.”
  • Edit Visibility Settings: Click on the three-dot icon next to an item in your activity log, select “Edit Audience,” choose from available options (e.g., Public/Friends/Only Me), and then save changes.

Avoid Oversharing Personal Information

Maintain discretion when sharing personal information on Facebook. It’s also wise to avoid sharing overly personal thoughts or opinions that may not be appropriate for a public platform.

Use the “View As” Feature

To ensure your privacy settings are working as intended, use the “View As” feature to see how others view your profile. This tool allows you to check what specific friends or the general public can see when they visit your page.

Turn Off Location Services

If you’re concerned about location-based information being visible in your activity log, consider turning off location services for Facebook on both desktop and mobile devices:

  • Desktop: Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Location > Edit (next to “Location Services”) > Turn off Location Services.
  • Mobile (iOS): Open device Settings app > Privacy > Location Services > Find and tap on the Facebook app from the list of apps using location services then select the “Never” option under “Allow LOCATION ACCESS.”
  • Mobile (Android): Select Apps & notifications within the device’s main settings menu followed by App permissions then choose which ones grant permission to access GPS coordinates/location history via toggle switch(es).

FAQs about Delete Facebook Activity

When you delete Facebook activity, the selected posts, comments, likes, or search history are permanently removed from your account. This means they will no longer be visible to you or others on the platform. However, keep in mind that deleted content may still exist in backups for a short period before being completely erased.

While there is no built-in feature to delete all Facebook activities at once, it can be done manually by going through each post and action individually. Alternatively, third-party browser extensions like Social Book Post Manager can help automate this process for bulk deletion.

To mass-delete your Facebook activities using a browser extension:

  1. Add an extension like Social Book Post Manager to your browser.
  2. Login into your Facebook account and navigate to Activity Log.
  3. Select specific filters (year/month) if desired.
  4. In the extension’s settings panel choose the ‘Delete’ option and click ‘Start.’

The Facebook activity log shows most of your activity on the platform, including posts, comments, likes, and searches. However, keep in mind that some activities may not be visible in your activity log, such as messages and chat history.

If you want to clear your searches or search history, you can go to your activity log, select “Filter” and then “Search History.” From there, you can delete individual searches or clear your entire search history.

Deleting your Facebook activity can help protect your privacy and keep your account organized. Whether you choose to delete individual posts or use a browser extension for bulk deletion, make sure to double-check your selections before permanently removing any content.


In conclusion, deleting your Facebook activity log can help protect your privacy and keep unwanted eyes from seeing sensitive information. By accessing the activity log on a desktop or mobile, you can delete individual activities or clear search history and video watch history. Using the manage posts function for mass deletion is also an option.

It’s important to understand privacy settings related to your activity log and regularly review it for any unwanted content. Limiting access to friends or specific groups can also help maintain privacy.

If you want more tips on social media management, visit WallBlog.

Youssef Hodaigui is an entrepreneur, blogger and SEO expert with a strong track record of success in launching and growing blogs and websites. He has a deep understanding of search engine algorithms and the latest digital marketing techniques, and he is committed to helping bloggers and entrepreneurs achieve their online business goals.

The Wall is a digital blog that helps the marketing, media and communications industries to understand the effects of emerging technology and media change. From ecommerce and email, to search and social media, The Wall features expert commentators and analysis of digital developments.


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