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Ultimate Guide to Creating a YouTube Brand Account

To maximize your YouTube presence, setting up a brand account is key for businesses and content creators. By leveraging the power of a brand account, you can effectively manage your channel, customize its appearance, optimize video content for SEO and engagement, utilize analytics tools efficiently, and promote your videos across various platforms.

Creating a YouTube brand account offers benefits such as establishing a distinct brand identity, channel customization, multiple channel managers, access to YouTube Studio for analytics and content management, monetization opportunities, enhanced analytics, and the ability to promote your brand to a wide audience. It empowers businesses and organizations to effectively manage their YouTube presence, connect with their target audience, and leverage the platform’s features for brand growth and success.

Creating a YouTube Brand Account

Creating a YouTube Brand Account

This type of account allows you to use your company name, add managers, and control the channel through your personal YouTube page.

Benefits of having a separate brand account on YouTube

  • Dedicated branding: A separate brand account enables you to have consistent branding across all platforms, making it easier for customers to recognize and connect with your business.
  • Multichannel management: With multiple channels under one Google Account, you can easily switch between them without logging in and out each time.
  • Easier collaboration: Adding managers or owners allows multiple team members access to manage the channel without sharing login credentials. This makes collaboration more secure and efficient.

Steps to create a new channel under your existing Google Account

  1. Log in to your existing Google Account that will be associated with the new YouTube Brand Channel by visiting the YouTube homepage.
  2. In the top right corner of the screen, click on your profile picture icon followed by “Settings.”
  3. Select “Add or manage channels” from within the settings menu which should open up a list containing any currently active ones. If none exist yet, then simply press the ‘+ Create New Channel’ button instead.
  4. Type the desired name (e.g., WallBlog) when prompted during the creation process before hitting ‘Create.’

By creating a YouTube brand account, you can manage videos, upload videos, and customize your channel icon and channel description. You can also feature other channels on your page and see which channels have featured your brand account. 

Note: A YouTube brand account is different from a personal account or a personal Google account, so you’ll need a separate email address to create a branded account.

Adding Managers and Owners to Your YouTube Brand Account

To effectively manage your business’s YouTube presence, it’s essential to have multiple people involved in managing the channel. By adding managers and owners, you can delegate tasks like uploading videos or responding to comments while ensuring that everyone has access only when needed. 

How Owners Differ from Managers in Terms of Privileges

Owners have complete control over their YouTube brand account, including the ability to add or remove other users with different levels of access. They can also edit business information, respond to reviews, delete videos, or even close down the entire channel if necessary.

Managers, on the other hand, are granted most of these same permissions but cannot perform certain actions like closing down an account entirely or removing fellow managers/owners without first being granted explicit permission by said owner(s). 

This ensures proper checks and balances within team dynamics while still allowing efficient delegation among members responsible for various aspects related to maintaining successful online video platforms.

Step-by-Step Guide for Adding Managers and Owners

  1. Login: Sign in to your personal Google Account linked with your YouTube brand account by visiting YouTube.com.
  2. Navigate: Click on your profile icon located at the top-right corner, then select “Settings” from the dropdown menu that appears afterward.
  3. Select Channel: Under “Your channels,” click on the desired brand channel where a new manager(s)/owner(s) should be added next before proceeding further below.
  4. Add Users: Within the “Permissions” tab found under “Channel settings,” click on the blue “+” icon near the top-left corner, then type in email addresses belonging to prospective managers/owners being invited here today.
  5. Assign Roles: Choose the appropriate role (owner or manager) for each individual by clicking the corresponding dropdown menu besides their respective names/email addresses listed within the table shown below.
  6. Send Invitations: Once all necessary information has been entered correctly, simply press the “Invite” button located at the bottom-right section of this page so that recipients receive notifications through email regarding pending invitations awaiting a response.

Note: The invitees will need to accept the invitation through the link provided in their emails before they can officially become a part of your YouTube brand account management team. Monitor these requests by revisiting the “Permissions” tab periodically until everyone’s status updates accordingly from ‘pending’ to either ‘manager’ or ‘owner.’

Customizing Your Channel Layout & Settings

A well-designed layout helps viewers navigate easily around your content while reflecting the unique identity of your brand. Customize settings like featured channels or playlists by following these simple steps which will make sure visitors find what they’re looking for quickly without getting lost among other competing brands’ pages.

Choosing Appropriate Branding Elements (Logo, Banner)

Your channel’s logo and banner are essential for building a strong visual identity that resonates with your target audience. The YouTube Help Center provides guidelines on creating an effective logo and banner design. Make sure to choose colors, fonts, and imagery that leans with your brand’s personality.

Organizing Playlists Based on Themes/Topics Relevant to Target Audiences

Create themed playlists to help viewers discover more of your content related to their interests. Organize videos into categories such as product tutorials, customer testimonials, or industry news updates. 

Organizing videos into categories simplifies the process of locating specific topics within your channel without having to manually go through all uploaded content.

  • Create a playlist: To create a new playlist from scratch, go to the “Playlists” tab in YouTube Studio and click “New Playlist.”
  • Add videos: Once you’ve created a playlist, add relevant videos by clicking on the three-dot menu next to each video thumbnail in YouTube Studio and selecting “Add To Playlist.”
  • Edit details: You can edit the title, description, privacy settings, or order of videos within any given playlist via its “Playlist Settings” page.

Remember to keep your playlists updated with new content regularly, as this will encourage viewers to subscribe and return for more videos in the future.

Customizing Channel Settings for Better User Experience

Beyond branding elements and playlist organization, there are several other settings you can customize on your YouTube brand account. 

These include:

  • Featured channels: Promote related channels or collaborators by adding them to the “Featured Channels” section of your channel’s homepage. This can be done via the “Customization” tab in YouTube Studio.
  • About section: Provide a concise yet informative description of your business and its offerings within the “About” tab. Be sure to include relevant keywords that potential subscribers might search for when looking for content like yours.
  • Contact information: Make it easy for viewers to get in touch with you by providing an email address or links to social media profiles within the “Details” section under “Advanced Channel Settings“.

Optimizing Video Content for SEO & Engagement

For potential customers searching related topics within this vast platform called ‘YouTube’, one must optimize each uploaded piece so that both algorithms recognize its relevance whilst users feel compelled enough not just to click but also to share them across social media networks too.

Writing Compelling Titles Using Targeted Keywords

A well-crafted title is crucial in capturing the attention of viewers and improving your video’s search rankings. To create an engaging title, start by conducting keyword research using tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer. 

identify relevant keywords with high search volume and low competition, then incorporate these into your title naturally. Keep it concise, informative, and appealing to entice users to click on your video.

Crafting Engaging Descriptions with Calls-to-Action

Your video description should provide a brief overview of the content while incorporating targeted keywords strategically. This helps YouTube understand what your video is about and improves its visibility in search results.

Additionally, include calls-to-action (CTAs) that encourage viewers to subscribe, comment, or visit your website for more information. For example:

  • “Don’t forget to subscribe for more tips on digital marketing.”
  • “Leave a comment below if you have any questions.”
  • “Visit our blog at [URL] for more resources on growing your business.”

Importance of Accurate Tags/Categories Selection

Accurately selecting tags and categories is essential for YouTube to properly categorize your content, allowing users to easily find it. When selecting tags, focus on using relevant keywords that accurately describe the video’s subject.

Additionally, choose an appropriate category that aligns with your content theme. This not only improves search rankings but also increases the possibility of appearing as a suggested video alongside similar content.

Optimizing Thumbnails & Video Length

A visually appealing thumbnail can significantly impact click-through rates (CTR) and overall engagement. Craft custom thumbnails that are captivating and accurately represent the video’s topic while maintaining consistency with your brand identity. Tools like Canva offer easy-to-use templates for creating professional-looking thumbnails.

Consider optimizing the length of your videos based on audience preferences and attention spans. Research indicates that briefer videos (less than two minutes) tend to be more successful in terms of viewer engagement and maintenance.

Utilizing Analytics Tools & Insights Effectively

Analyzing YouTube’s analytics tools and insights can help you maximize your channel’s reach and engagement while tracking key metrics such as watch time, views, and subscribers. 

Key Metrics to Monitor (Watch Time, Views, Subscribers)

The success of your YouTube brand account relies on observing essential metrics such as watch time, views, and subscribers. The more watch time you accumulate, the higher the chances are that YouTube will recommend your content to other viewers.

  • Views: Track the number of times people have watched each video on your channel. This metric helps identify which types of content resonate most with viewers.
  • Subscribers: A growing subscriber count indicates that people find value in what you offer and want regular updates from you. Use this information to tailor future content based on their preferences.

Identifying Trends or Areas for Improvement

Analyzing trends within key metrics can provide valuable insights into areas where improvements may be needed or opportunities exist for growth. 

For example, if certain videos consistently generate high view counts but low watch times compared with others, consider revising those by making them more engaging through better storytelling techniques like adding visuals or audio effects so they hold viewer attention for longer periods at once.

Making Informed Adjustments Based on Data Analysis

Data analysis should inform the decisions you make when optimizing your YouTube brand account. By examining metrics such as audience demographics, traffic sources, and playback locations, you can identify patterns that may indicate potential areas for growth or improvement.

  1. Audience Demographics: Understanding who is watching your videos allows you to create content tailored specifically to their interests and needs.
  2. Traffic Sources: Identifying where viewers are finding your content (e.g., search results, suggested videos) help decide which promotional strategies work best for driving traffic to your channel.
  3. Playback Locations: Knowing whether users watch on desktops or mobile devices can influence how you optimize video formats and resolutions for better user experiences across different platforms.

Promoting Your Channel & Videos Across Platforms

To enhance the impact of your YouTube brand account, it’s important not only to focus on creating high-quality content but also on promoting it across various platforms like social media channels. 

Cross-promotion with other social media accounts

Promote your YouTube channel by cross-promoting it with other social media platforms. Share links to new videos and playlists on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and any other relevant networks you’re active on. Make sure to include engaging captions or descriptions along with eye-catching thumbnails that excite users to click through and watch your content.

Collaborating with influencers within relevant industries

Partnering up with influencers in your industry can be a great way for both parties involved to benefit from each other’s audiences. Reach out to well-known personalities who share similar interests as yours, then propose ideas about how collaborating could benefit everyone.

Utilizing paid advertising options available through Google Ads

  • YouTube ads: Running video advertisements directly within YouTube itself allows targeting specific demographics based upon factors such as age, gender, location, etc., ensuring increased exposure among those most likely interested already (learn more about this option at their official Google Ads page for Video Campaigns).
  • Display ads: These are image-based advertisements that appear on websites and apps within the Google Display Network. They can be targeted toward users who have previously visited your channel or watched your videos, helping to re-engage potential subscribers (more information about this type of ad can be found on their official Google Ads page for Display Campaigns).
  • Sponsored content: Sponsored posts on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter allow you to promote your YouTube content directly in users’ feeds. This method is especially effective when combined with targeting options like interests or behaviors (check out each platform’s respective advertising pages: Facebook Business, Twitter Business, and Instagram Business).

FAQs in Relation to Youtube Brand Account

A YouTube brand account allows businesses and organizations to manage their presence on the platform more effectively. It enables multiple users to access and manage the channel, provides customization options for branding purposes, and offers advanced analytics tools for performance tracking. A separate brand account also helps in building credibility among viewers by presenting a professional image.

The main disadvantage of a YouTube brand account is that it may require additional effort in managing permissions and coordinating with team members. However, this can be outweighed by its benefits such as improved collaboration, better organization, enhanced branding opportunities, and detailed insights into your channel’s performance.

Yes, you can earn money from your YouTube Brand Account through various monetization methods like YouTube Partner Program, sponsored content deals with brands or advertisers, affiliate marketing links within video descriptions or annotations/cards feature (if eligible), and selling merchandise related to your content or audience interests.

To determine if your current YouTube Channel is associated with a personal or Brand Account, sign in to YouTube Advanced Settings. If you see the “Move channel to Brand Account” option under ‘Account Information’, then it’s currently linked as a Personal Account. Otherwise, if no such option exists, it indicates an existing association with a Brand Account already.


In conclusion, creating a YouTube Brand Account can provide numerous benefits for businesses and individuals looking to establish a strong online presence. By following the steps outlined in this post, you can create a brand account, add managers and owners, customize your channel layout and settings, optimize video content for SEO and engagement, utilize analytics tools effectively, and promote your channel across various platforms.

With these strategies in place, you can increase visibility for your brand or personal content on YouTube while engaging with your target audience more effectively. If you’re interested in learning more about digital marketing trends and strategies like this one that can help grow your business online, check out WallBlog blog today!

Youssef Hodaigui is an entrepreneur, blogger and SEO expert with a strong track record of success in launching and growing blogs and websites. He has a deep understanding of search engine algorithms and the latest digital marketing techniques, and he is committed to helping bloggers and entrepreneurs achieve their online business goals.

The Wall is a digital blog that helps the marketing, media and communications industries to understand the effects of emerging technology and media change. From ecommerce and email, to search and social media, The Wall features expert commentators and analysis of digital developments.


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