HomeBlogSocial MediaFacebookHow to Effectively Block Facebook Profile Searches: A Guide

How to Effectively Block Facebook Profile Searches: A Guide

As an expert in the field of online privacy, I understand that many individuals and businesses are looking to block Facebook profile searches.

Blocking Facebook profile searches can provide several benefits in terms of privacy and controlling one’s online presence. It offers benefits such as enhanced privacy, control over personal information, avoiding unwanted attention, managing online reputation, personal security, peace of mind, and focusing on meaningful connections. It empowers individuals to take charge of their online presence, protect their privacy, and create a more secure and curated experience on the platform.

Blocking Facebook profile searches provides benefits such as protection from identity theft, shielding from unwanted solicitations, maintaining online anonymity, preventing unwanted judgment, avoiding online harassment, exercising personal boundaries, and tailoring Facebook usage. 

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Block Facebook Profile Searches

Customizing Privacy Settings on Facebook

To block searches of your Facebook profile, it is important to customize your privacy settings. Regularly checking these settings ensures that they are always updated according to Facebook’s policy changes.

Limiting Who Can Find You Using Email Address or Phone Number

By adjusting specific privacy options in your Facebook account, you can restrict the audience that can find you using either an email address or a phone number associated with your account. These adjustments help for better control over who can send friend requests and interact with you online.

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Select Privacy Options for Email Addresses

  • Navigate to the “Privacy” section within “Settings.”
  • In the “Who can look me up?” area, click on “Edit” next to the “Who can look you up using the email address/phone number provided?” option.
  • Select from available options such as Friends, Friends of Friends, or Everyone based on personal preference.
  • Click “Close” once done customizing this setting.

Controlling Search Engine Visibility for Your Profile

Turn off permission allowing external search engines like Google to link directly back into individual user accounts within their results pages themselves. 

By disabling this feature in Timeline and Tagging settings under the Account Settings menu item titled ‘Timeline & Tagging,’ no one except for already connected people will know the existence of any connection between work life & private online presence at all.

Disable Search Engine Linking

  1. Navigate to the “Privacy” tab in Settings.
  2. Select “Timeline and Tagging” from the left-hand menu.
  3. In the “Who can see things on my timeline?” section, find the option labeled “Allow search engines outside of Facebook to link to your profile.”
  4. Click on “Edit” next to this setting and uncheck the box that appears.

Blocking Facebook Profile Searches

Protect your Facebook account by blocking profile searches. You can adjust the “Who can look me up?” setting in the Privacy section to customize who can find your profile. By doing so, only certain groups such as friends or friends of friends will be able to locate you.

Accessing Privacy Settings on Desktop and Mobile Devices

To access privacy settings on a desktop device, click the downward arrow located at the top right corner of any Facebook page and select Settings & Privacy, then choose ‘Privacy Settings’. 

On mobile devices, tap on the three horizontal lines (menu icon) in either the bottom-right (iOS) or top-right (Android), scroll down to find ‘Settings’, and then navigate to ‘Privacy Settings’ under ‘Account Settings’.

Changing “Who can look me up?” Options

Follow these steps to block Facebook profile searches:

  1. Navigate to the ‘Profile Lookup‘ section within your privacy settings.
  2. Select ‘Edit‘ next to the question “Who can look you up using the email address you provided?”
  3. In the dropdown menu that appears, choose between “Everyone,” “Friends of Friends,” or “Friends Only.”
  4. Click outside the drop-down area to save changes.

By selecting “Friends Only” or “Friends of Friends” you can block Facebook profile searches from strangers. This is a great way to protect your privacy and keep your Facebook account secure.

Blocking Phone Number Searches

It’s also important to protect your Facebook profile from being discovered through phone number searches. Just like with email addresses, you can customize the “Who can look me up?” setting for phone numbers in the Privacy section of your account settings. 

Updating Contact Information Privacy Preferences

To update your contact information privacy preferences on both desktop and mobile devices, follow these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to the “Settings & Privacy” page by clicking on the downward arrow at the top right of any Facebook page.
  2. Select “Settings & Privacy” followed by “Settings.”
  3. In the left sidebar menu, click on “Privacy.”
  4. Locate and click on “Edit” next to “Who can look you up using the phone number you provided?” under “How People Find and Contact You“.

Choosing Which Group Has Permission To Find You Via Phone Number

You have three options when customizing who has permission to search for you via a registered phone number:

  • Everyone: This option allows anyone with access to Facebook (including those without an account) to find you using a registered telephone number.
  • Friends of Friends: Only people who are mutual connections within existing networks themselves may locate user profiles based upon this particular piece of personal data inputted during the registration process.
  • Your own list composed entirely of individual contacts added manually over time: No one else other than these selected people will ever know there’s any connection between work life & private online presence at all.

Disabling Search Engine Visibility Outside Facebook

This way, no one outside those already connected will even know there exists any connection between work life and private online presence at all.

Navigating Timeline and Tagging Settings

To disable search engine visibility for your Facebook account, first access the “Timeline and Tagging” settings. 

On a desktop device, click the downward arrow in the top right corner of your screen to open a dropdown menu with Settings & Privacy. Select Settings & Privacy, then choose “Settings” followed by “Timeline and Tagging.” 

On mobile devices, tap on the three horizontal lines icon (also known as the hamburger menu) in either the bottom right or top left corner depending on your device type. Scroll down to find “Settings,” then select “Privacy Settings,” followed by “Timeline and Tagging.”

Unchecking the “Allow Search Engines Outside of Facebook” Box

  • Desktop: In the Timeline and Tagging settings page, locate the section titled “Who can see things on my timeline?” Find an option labeled “Do you want other search engines to link to your timeline?” Click Edit next to it. Uncheck the box that says “Allow search engines outside of Facebook to link to your Profile.” This way, you are effectively disabling external search engine visibility for your account.
  • Mobile: Similarly, navigate through Privacy Settings > Timeline and Tagging > Who can see things on my timeline? Locate an option titled “Do you want other search engines to link to your timeline?” Tap on it and toggle off the switch next to “Allow search engines outside of Facebook.” This will prevent external search engines from linking directly back to individual user accounts within their results pages.

Remember, disabling this feature only prevents people who are not connected with you on Facebook from finding your profile through a search engine. Your friends and connections can still view your profile as usual. 

For more information about controlling what others see on your Facebook Timeline, visit the Help Center.

Monitoring Changes in Privacy Policies

It is therefore essential to stay informed of any modifications in Facebook’s policies, and consequently adjust privacy settings accordingly. 

Staying Informed About Policy Updates

To stay informed about Facebook’s policy updates, you should follow their official announcements and news sources. 

You can also subscribe to reputable technology blogs like TechCrunch or Mashable’s Facebook section. These resources will help you keep up with any significant changes that may affect your privacy settings.

Periodically Reviewing Privacy Settings

Make sure you periodically review your own privacy settings on Facebook. 

This includes checking the following:

  • Select Privacy: Ensure that only friends or selected groups have access to view your posts, photos, videos, and other content shared on your timeline.
  • Contact Information: Verify if the visibility of email addresses and phone numbers associated with your account is limited.
  • Timeline and Tagging Settings:
  • Who can post on my Timeline?
  • Who can see what others post on my Timeline?
  • When I’m tagged in a post, who do I want to add to the audience of the post if they can’t already see it?
  • Who sees tag suggestions when photos that look like you are uploaded?
  • Blocking: Review your blocked users’ list and make sure no one has been accidentally added or removed.

Managing Friend Requests

Another aspect of controlling searches of your Facebook profile involves managing friend requests. By customizing the “Who can send me friend requests?” setting under Privacy options, you can restrict the number of people who have access to request connections with you.

Adjusting “Who can send me friend requests?” Preferences

To modify the settings related to receiving friend requests on Facebook, follow these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to your Facebook privacy settings page.
  2. In the ‘How People Find and Contact You’ section, locate the option titled ‘Who can send you friend requests?’.
  3. Select either ‘Everyone’ or ‘Friends of Friends, depending on your desired level of privacy.
  4. Click on any other area outside that dropdown menu to save changes automatically.

Note: By selecting ‘Friends of Friends’, only users who share at least one mutual connection with you will be able to send a request. This significantly narrows down potential searchers while still allowing for networking opportunities within pertinent circles.

Strategies for Accepting or Rejecting Connection Invitations

It’s important to also consider how best to handle incoming friend requests themselves so they don’t inadvertently expose personal information further than intended. 

Here are some tips to help manage them effectively:

  • Evaluate Mutual Connections: Before accepting a new request, take time to review shared contacts between both parties involved – especially if an unfamiliar name appears within the list itself. This way, you can determine whether the individual truly belongs to your network or not.
  • Check Profiles for Authenticity: Be cautious of fake accounts by examining profile details such as photos, posts, and friends lists. When in doubt, deny the request to ensure security.
  • Create Custom Friend Lists: Organize connections into separate groups using Facebook’s custom friend lists feature. This allows for more granular control over who sees what content when sharing updates online – keeping your professional life separate from your personal one.
  • Utilize the “Follow” Option Instead: Encourage acquaintances to follow public posts without actually becoming friends directly through the use of the ‘Follow’ button available on each user’s page; this minimizes the risk of exposing sensitive data while still allowing you to maintain a connection overall.

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FAQs about Block Facebook Profile Searches

Yes, you can block your Facebook profile from being searched by customizing your privacy settings. You can adjust the “Who can look me up?” options to limit who can find you using your email address or phone number and disable search engine visibility outside of Facebook. It is recommended to regularly review these settings for optimal privacy.

No, Facebook does not reveal who has searched for your profile or visited it. While there are third-party apps claiming to provide this information, they are often scams and should be avoided as they may compromise your account’s security.

There could be several reasons why you cannot find someone on Facebook. Their account might have been deactivated, they blocked you, their name is misspelled in the search query, or their privacy settings prevent them from appearing in searches. Ensure accurate spelling and consider alternative ways to connect with them if necessary.


In conclusion, customizing your privacy settings on Facebook is essential for protecting your personal information and limiting who can find you. By blocking Facebook profile searches, email addresses, and phone number searches, disabling search engine visibility outside of Facebook, monitoring changes in privacy policies, and managing friend requests, you can control how others interact with your profile.

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Overall, taking these steps will give you peace of mind, knowing that only those whom you choose to connect with have access to your Facebook account. For more insights on social media management strategies like this one, check out The WallBlog.

Youssef Hodaigui is an entrepreneur, blogger and SEO expert with a strong track record of success in launching and growing blogs and websites. He has a deep understanding of search engine algorithms and the latest digital marketing techniques, and he is committed to helping bloggers and entrepreneurs achieve their online business goals.

The Wall is a digital blog that helps the marketing, media and communications industries to understand the effects of emerging technology and media change. From ecommerce and email, to search and social media, The Wall features expert commentators and analysis of digital developments.


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