HomeBlogSocial MediaX (Twitter)(Now X) Twitter Edit Button: Features, Limitations, and Tips

(Now X) Twitter Edit Button: Features, Limitations, and Tips

Twitter Edit Button has been a long-awaited feature for many users, and with the introduction of Twitter Blue, it seems like this dream might finally become a reality. It refers to a hypothetical feature that users have long requested, which would allow them to make edits to their tweets after they have been posted. 

It is important to consider potential drawbacks or concerns that arise with the implementation of an edit button. Some concerns include the potential for misuse, like altering the content of a tweet after it has gained significant attention, or the difficulty of maintaining the integrity of past conversations and retweet chains if the original tweet is edited.

It is worth noting that the absence of an edit button on Twitter has been a deliberate choice by the platform to maintain the integrity of public conversations and prevent abuse. Twitter emphasizes the importance of timely and accurate communication. Users are encouraged to double-check their tweets before posting and, if necessary, delete and repost to make corrections.

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Twitter Edit Button

Twitter Blue and the Edit Button

Twitter has introduced an edit button, but it is only available to those who subscribe to their premium service, Twitter Blue. This subscription-based feature allows users to make changes within 30 minutes of posting a tweet and can be used up to five times. 

What is Twitter Blue?

Twitter Blue is a subscription plan offered by Twitter that provides users with exclusive features, like the ability to edit tweets after they have been posted, plus additional perks like custom app icons and priority customer support. 

Subscribers also get access to other benefits like customized app icons, color themes for their profile page, bookmark folders for organizing saved content more efficiently, and priority customer support from Twitter.

How much does it cost?

The pricing for Twitter Blue varies depending on your location. U.S. customers pay $2.99 monthly, while Canadians and Australians pay CAD $3.49 and AUD $4.49, respectively. Users can check out more details about pricing on the official website of Twitter Blue.

Editing Tweets on Web Browsers and Smartphone Apps

The Twitter edit button is now available on web browsers and smartphone apps (iOS/Android). However, Twitter users may have to wait for up to seven days for their account verification before being able to use this feature. 

Read: Un-follow Twitter users

Steps for Editing Tweets on Desktop

  1. Log in to your Twitter account via a web browser.
  2. Navigate to the tweet you want to edit.
  3. Click on the three dots icon at the tweet’s top right corner.
  4. Select ‘Edit’ from the three dots icon at the tweet’s top right corner.
  5. A pop-up window with Twitter’s terms regarding edit functionality will appear. Read them carefully and click ‘Got it’ if you agree with their conditions.
  6. Edit your tweet as desired within the text box provided, then click on the blue ‘Update’ button when finished.

Steps for Editing Tweets on Smartphones

  1. Download and install the official Twitter app from either the Google Play Store (Android) or Apple App Store (iOS).
  2. Log in using your credentials.
  3. Locate and tap on the specific tweet that requires editing.
  4. Tap on the three dots icon at the tweet’s top right corner.
  5. Select ‘Edit’ from the dropdown menu that appears.
  6. Edit your tweet as desired within the text box provided, then tap on the blue ‘Save’ button when finished.

The edit button on Twitter has been a highly requested feature for years. Twitter users can now edit their tweets without having to delete and repost them. This not only saves time but also helps to maintain the integrity of the original tweet. 

It is important to note that edited tweets will be marked with a small ‘edited’ label to indicate that they have been modified.

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Limitations of Tweet Editing

Although the Twitter edit button provides more flexibility in managing content, some limitations exist. Users cannot change certain types of tweets, such as retweets, replies, or polls. Also, edits can only be made within 30 minutes after posting a tweet.

Types of Uneditable Tweets

The introduction of the Twitter edit button on Twitter Blue is undoubtedly an exciting development for users who want to correct typos and make changes to their posts. However, it’s essential to understand that not all tweets can be edited.

  • Retweets: If you’ve shared someone else’s tweet by retweeting it, you won’t have the option to edit its content.
  • Replies: When responding directly to another user’s tweet using the reply function, editing your response isn’t possible with this feature.
  • Polls: Tweets containing polls are also excluded from editing due to potential manipulation concerns.

Time Restrictions for Editing Tweets

A time limit is imposed on when you can use the edit functionality provided by the Twitter Blue subscription plan. You must make any desired changes within 30 minutes of posting your tweet. This limitation ensures that Twitter users don’t drastically change their messages long after they’ve been published and potentially mislead other users about what was originally said.

If the allotted 30-minute window has passed, or if it’s an unalterable tweet type, you’ll have to delete and replace it with a new one containing your desired edits.

Visibility of Edited Tweets

When a user edits their tweet, other users will see that the tweet was edited with a timestamp showing when it was last changed. This added transparency ensures that followers can keep track of any modifications made to tweets and maintain an accurate understanding of what has been shared.

‘Last edited’ indicator under revised posts

Once you’ve successfully edited your tweet, Twitter automatically adds a ‘Last edited’ label beneath it. The label is highlighted in blue and displays the time and date of the edit. 

For example, the label would show “Last edited Jan 1 at 12:00 PM” when changes to a tweet were made on January 1st at 12:00 PM, informing your audience of any alterations.

Deleting old versions if necessary

If privacy concerns arise regarding previous versions of edited tweets or if you want to remove traces of past content completely, deleting them remains an option. 

To delete a tweet:

  1. Navigate to your profile page, where all your tweets are displayed.
  2. Locate the specific tweet you wish to delete.
  3. Select the downward arrow icon located in the top-right corner of said tweet.
  4. In this drop-down menu, click on ‘Delete Tweet.’

Note: Once deleted, there’s no way for anyone (including yourself) to retrieve or view these removed tweets again. So exercise caution before opting for deletion over editing.

Saying updated with social media trends and features is essential for businesses, marketers, bloggers, and entrepreneurs. Stay informed by regularly checking out resources like The Wall Blog to ensure you’re always ahead of the curve.

Exploring Other Social Media Updates

Staying updated with the latest features and trends across various platforms is essential. Let’s explore the upcoming WhatsApp features and tips for staying informed about social media developments.

Upcoming WhatsApp Features

  • Multi-device support: This highly anticipated feature will allow users to access their WhatsApp account on multiple devices simultaneously without needing a constant connection to their primary device.
  • View Once: With this privacy-focused update, users can send photos and videos that disappear after being viewed once by the recipient.
  • In-app business directory: To facilitate better communication between businesses and customers, WhatsApp plans to introduce an in-app directory for local businesses within specific regions.
  • Voice message transcription: Aiming at enhancing accessibility, this feature will automatically transcribe voice messages into text format so that users can read them instead of listening if they prefer or have hearing difficulties.
  • New emojis and stickers: As part of its ongoing effort to make conversations more expressive, WhatsApp regularly adds new emojis and stickers for users’ enjoyment.

Staying Updated with Social Media Trends

To ensure you’re always in-the-know when it comes to social media updates, consider following these tips:

  1. Follow official accounts and blogs: Stay connected with the social media platforms’ official accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and their respective blogs for firsthand information about new updates.
  2. Subscribe to newsletters: Many tech websites like Tech Advisor, Macworld, and The Wall Blog offer regular updates on social media trends. Subscribe to stay informed without having to search for news manually.
  3. Join online communities: Participate in forums or discussion groups related to your favorite social media platforms where users share their experiences with new features and discuss potential changes.
  4. Trial premium services: If you’re curious about premium offerings like Twitter Blue but unsure if they’re worth the investment, look out for free trials or limited-time promotions that allow you to test-drive these services before committing long-term.

FAQs in Relation to the Twitter (rebranded as “X”) Edit Button

The edit button has been a highly requested feature by Twitter users for years. It would allow users to correct typos, update information, and improve their tweets without deleting and reposting them. This feature could enhance user experience and save time, but it also raises concerns about potential misuse or manipulation of content.

Twitter has not confirmed plans for a universal edit button yet. However, they introduced Twitter Blue, a subscription service that includes an “Undo Tweet” option allowing subscribers to retract and modify tweets within 30 seconds of posting. While this isn’t exactly an edit button, it shows that Twitter is exploring options to address user demands for tweet editing capabilities.


In conclusion, Twitter/X Blue offers a paid subscription service that includes the highly awaited edit button for tweets. The edit feature is available on desktop and mobile devices with limitations such as time restrictions and uneditable tweet types. Edited tweets are marked with a “last edited” indicator and old versions can be deleted if necessary.

Staying informed of social media’s latest features and trends is essential for keeping up with its continual evolution. Check out WallBlog for more information on social media updates.

If you want to improve your social media presence or need help navigating new features like the Twitter Edit Button, Project can provide expert guidance and support. Reach out now to discover more!

Youssef Hodaigui is an entrepreneur, blogger and SEO expert with a strong track record of success in launching and growing blogs and websites. He has a deep understanding of search engine algorithms and the latest digital marketing techniques, and he is committed to helping bloggers and entrepreneurs achieve their online business goals.

The Wall is a digital blog that helps the marketing, media and communications industries to understand the effects of emerging technology and media change. From ecommerce and email, to search and social media, The Wall features expert commentators and analysis of digital developments.


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