HomeBlogMarketingBlogging10 Strategies to Effectively Increase Blog Comments Today

10 Strategies to Effectively Increase Blog Comments Today

Increasing blog comments is a crucial aspect of building an engaged and loyal audience for your content. A thriving comments section not only increases social proof but also provides valuable feedback, leading to increased traffic and better connections with your readers.

Getting people to comment on your blog shows that you’re truly reaching out to your audience. It gives you the opportunity to connect with them and help out with their needs. Viewers can share their opinions and have a healthy discussion with you which increases engagement and credibility.

Increase Blog Comments

Encourage Reader Engagement

To increase blog comments, it’s essential to actively encourage reader engagement. Ask your readers to present their opinions in the comments section for increased reader engagement. By specifically asking for feedback or posing open-ended questions at the end of each post, you can significantly boost your blog’s engagement rates.

There are several ways you can achieve this:

  • Pose thought-provoking questions related to your content: This will stimulate discussion and demonstrate your appreciation for your readers’ input. For example, if you’re writing about digital marketing trends on WallBlog, ask readers what they think the most significant trend will be in the coming year.
  • Request feedback on specific aspects of your article: Encouraging constructive criticism helps improve future content while fostering a community among readers. You could ask them how well they understood a particular concept or their views on your post.

Engagement with your audience increases the possibility of comments on future posts as well. Confidently extend a hand and get people involved – when they feel appreciated, it can persuade them to join in on conversations.

Be Active in Your Comments Section

As the author, you should actively participate in discussions within your comment threads. By responding promptly and engaging with the comments, you encourage more people to join the conversation. This also strengthens the author-audience relationship.

To achieve this, set aside some time daily or weekly dedicated solely to interacting with your readers through comments. Here are some ways to be active in your comments section:

  • Acknowledge insightful contributions from readers: When someone leaves an insightful comment on one of your posts, acknowledge them by responding with appreciation and further discussion points.
  • Address concerns or queries raised by commentators: If a reader raises a concern or asks a question related to your content, address it promptly and provide helpful information that adds value for other users as well.

Besides these methods, consider using tools like Disqus or Jetpack’s Comment Module, which can help manage and streamline interactions within the comments section of your blog. These platforms allow authors to easily monitor new comments while offering additional features such as threaded replies and social media integration for enhanced user experience.

By implementing these blogging tips, you can create a commenting system that encourages people to leave comments and engage with your content. Not only does this increase blog comments, but it also provides valuable feedback and increased traffic to your site. Additionally, showing recent comments through a recent comments widget can increase social proof and encourage more people to leave comments.

Spam comments can be a nuisance and affect the comment count. To prevent spam comments, use a reliable commenting system that has a strong spam filter. Additionally, consider adding a comment form that requires users to take action before leaving a comment, such as answering a question or solving a puzzle.

Also, don’t forget to promote your blog posts on social media platforms to encourage people to read and leave comments. Allow readers to subscribe to your RSS feed or email subscribers list to stay updated on your latest posts.

Being active in your comments section is essential for fostering an engaged community of readers and can help you build a loyal following.

Establish Comment Guidelines

Setting rules for commenting on your blog maintains a positive atmosphere and ensures constructive conversations. Clearly outline these guidelines somewhere easily accessible, such as near the comment box itself or within an FAQ page linked directly from each post.

Define acceptable language and behavior expectations

To create a welcoming environment for all readers, establish boundaries regarding appropriate language and conduct. For example, you may want to prohibit offensive language, personal attacks, or self-promotion spam. Clearly explain to users about your requirements when engaging in conversations on your blog.

Explain how moderation works (if applicable)

If you choose to moderate comments before they appear on your site, be transparent about the process with your audience. Explain any criteria used to determine whether a comment will be approved or rejected – this avoids misunderstandings and encourages respectful dialogue among users. You might also consider implementing tools like Akismet, which automatically filters out spam comments based on predefined settings.

  • Action Step: Draft a set of comment guidelines outlining acceptable behavior and language use for participants in discussions on your blog.
  • Action Step: Determine if you’ll use manual moderation or automated tools like Akismet to manage incoming comments – then communicate this information clearly with readers through an FAQ page or other easily accessible location.

Creating clear rules for engagement is essential for a secure and productive atmosphere for your readers. 

Adopting a humble attitude when responding to both praise and criticism is crucial for fostering meaningful interactions among users. Demonstrating grace under pressure can inspire lurkers – those who read but don’t engage – to come forward with their own thoughts.

Accept Constructive Criticism Gracefully

No one enjoys receiving negative feedback, but it can be viewed as constructive criticism for growth. When someone points out areas where you could improve, genuinely consider their perspective and respond in a respectful manner. Thank the reader for their suggestion to improve your blog structure and assure them that you will take it into account.

Express Gratitude for Compliments Received

Acknowledging compliments graciously is just as important as handling criticism well. When readers express appreciation or admiration for your work, be sure to thank them sincerely. This encourages further engagement and a positive atmosphere within your online community.


  • Always address commentators by name (if provided) when responding to comments.
  • Maintain professionalism even when faced with rude or inflammatory remarks.
  • Consider using tools like grammar checkers and proofreading services for polished and error-free responses.

Humble interactions on WallBlog will help create an inviting environment where all members of the community are comfortable sharing their thoughts and opinions. Encouraging blog comments is a great way to gather feedback and increase social proof. By showing recent comments and using a commenting system that is easy to use, blog owners can ensure comfortable commenting

Using recent comments widgets can help bloggers turn their comments section into a lively discussion forum. By responding to comments, blog authors can express appreciation for their opinions. This can help to increase engagement and build a loyal following.

Incorporating a comment form that requires users to take action, such as entering a captcha code, can help to reduce the number of spam comments. Additionally, moderating comments before they are published can help to ensure that only valuable feedback is displayed.

Another way to increase engagement is to encourage readers to share their thoughts on social media platforms. By including social media sharing buttons on blog posts, readers can easily share their favorite posts with their social followers. This can help to increase traffic to the blog and attract new readers.

Finally, it’s important to remember that comments are not just about the original commenter. By using comments as a way to gather feedback and encourage discussion, blog owners can create a more dynamic and engaging blog that keeps readers coming back for more.

Reward Good Comments

Recognizing and appreciating exceptional contributions made by readers is an effective way to encourage further participation in your blog’s comment section. Acknowledgment of insightful comments publicly, can foster a sense of community and strengthen relationships between you and members of your online audience. Here are some ways to reward good comments:

  • Highlight top contributors: Consider featuring the most thoughtful or engaging commentators in a monthly or quarterly roundup on your blog. This will motivate others to leave meaningful comments as well. Social Media Examiner offers five ways to recognize fans with social media, which can be adapted for rewarding blog commentators.
  • Share insightful comments on social media platforms: When someone leaves a particularly valuable comment, share it on your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or other relevant social media channels. Tag the commenter and link back to the post if you can, when someone leaves a noteworthy comment.
  • Create opportunities for guest blogging: If one of your readers consistently provides valuable insights through their comments, ask them to contribute a guest post. This rewards their efforts and adds fresh perspectives and expertise for other readers. 

Incorporating these strategies into your approach to managing reader engagement will help create a vibrant and interactive community around your blog. 

Simplify the Commenting Process

To encourage reader engagement, streamline the commenting process. A cumbersome commenting process can deter even the most enthusiastic reader from engaging with your content. To encourage more people to share their insights, consider implementing these strategies:

Allow Anonymous Commenting (with Moderation)

Anonymity may provide a stimulus for those who are hesitant to express their opinions openly. By allowing anonymous comments on your WallBlog, you give users an opportunity to contribute without revealing their identity. However, it’s essential that you moderate these comments carefully to prevent spam or inappropriate content.

Implement User-Friendly Anti-Spam Measures

  • CAPTCHA alternatives: While CAPTCHA systems are useful in preventing automated spam, they can also frustrate genuine users trying to leave a comment. Consider using less intrusive anti-spam measures like honeypot fields or time-based tests that don’t require user input.
  • Akismet plugin: For WordPress blogs, utilizing plugins such as Akismet can help filter out spammy comments automatically while keeping the process simple for legitimate commentators.
  • Moderation settings: Adjust your moderation settings so that only first-time commentators need approval before their comment appears on your blog post. This ensures regular contributors aren’t inconvenienced while still maintaining control over potentially harmful content.

In conclusion, by simplifying the commenting process and removing unnecessary barriers, you’ll create an environment where readers feel encouraged and motivated to engage with your content on WallBlog. Encouraging people to leave comments helps increase social proof, gather valuable feedback, and can lead to increased traffic.

 Additionally, showing recent comments or utilizing a recent comments widget can encourage more people to leave comments and engage with your content. 

To encourage increased engagement with your blog, streamlining the commenting process can be beneficial. This will help create a sense of community and encourage further participation from readers. 

Respond to All Comments

As your blog grows, it might become challenging to respond individually to every comment. However, making an effort to acknowledge each one is crucial for maintaining reader engagement and building a sense of community. This can be done by liking a comment, offering a brief reply, or even using pre-written responses for common queries.

Use Canned Responses for Frequently Asked Questions

If you notice that certain questions are asked repeatedly in the comments section, consider creating canned responses. These pre-written answers can save time while ensuring that readers receive accurate information. Just make sure your canned response addresses their query directly and still feels personalized.

Prioritize Engaging with First-Time Commentators

Welcome first-time commentators by responding promptly and warmly to their input. Quick and kind responses can motivate them to stay involved with your material in the future. To easily identify new commentators on platforms like WordPress, use plugins such as First Comment Redirect, which allows you to send customized welcome messages after they submit their initial remark.

In addition to these strategies, remember that quality matters when interacting with your audience through comments. Ensure that your replies are thoughtful and relevant – this not only demonstrates respect but also encourages further discussion among users who may have been hesitant about participating initially.

Responding to all comments is an important part of maintaining a successful blog. By taking the time to engage with your readers, you can create meaningful connections and foster loyalty. To ensure that more people see your content, it’s essential to promote your posts effectively.

Leverage Influencers & Guest Bloggers

One effective way to increase blog comments is by leveraging influencers within your niche. Inviting them to contribute guest posts or collaborate on projects can significantly boost engagement rates. Their followers may visit your blog out of curiosity, increasing the chances of receiving additional comments from new visitors who might not have discovered you otherwise.

  • Invite industry experts for interviews or opinion pieces: Reach out to well-known figures in your field and ask if they would be interested in sharing their insights with your audience through an interview or op-ed piece. This will not only provide valuable content for your readers but also attract more attention and potential commentators.
  • Collaborate with other bloggers through joint ventures: Partnering up with fellow bloggers can lead to mutually beneficial outcomes. Consider co-authoring a post, hosting a webinar together, or even organizing an online event where multiple experts discuss relevant topics.

In addition to influencers and guest bloggers, make sure you’re consistently producing high-quality content that resonates with your target audience. Engaging articles encourage readers to share their thoughts and opinions in the form of comments – ultimately leading towards increased interaction on your blog.

Offer Incentives & Run Contests

By providing rewards for thoughtful contributions, you can motivate your audience to share their opinions and participate in discussions.

Host a Giveaway for the Most Insightful Comment

A giveaway is an excellent method of incentivizing readers to leave insightful comments on your blog posts. For example, offer a free e-book or exclusive access to premium content with applied rules and eligibility criteria as a reward for the most thought-provoking comment within a specific time frame.

Organize a Contest That Requires Commenting to Enter

In addition to giveaways, consider organizing contests where participants are required to leave comments on your blog posts in order to enter. This creates excitement around upcoming events or articles published on WallBlog.com. You could ask readers questions related directly back to areas where these types may benefit from using those services themselves. 

To maximize the impact of these strategies, make sure you promote them effectively through email marketing campaigns and social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. This will help increase social proof and valuable feedback, which can lead to increased traffic and more engaged social followers. Add a recent comments widget to your blog to show recent comments and encourage more people to join the conversation.

FAQs in Relation to Increase Blog Comments

Here are some tips to help you increase blog comments:

  • Pose thought-provoking questions related to the content to encourage reader engagement.
  • Request specific feedback from readers to get valuable feedback.
  • Show appreciation for insightful contributions to create a sense of community.
  • Create an easy-to-use commenting system to simplify the commenting process.
  • Be active in the comments section to establish guidelines and showcase humility.
  • Respond to all comments to show that you value your readers’ opinions.
  • Promote your posts effectively on social media platforms to increase social proof.
  • Leverage influencers or guest bloggers to reach a wider audience.
  • Offer incentives like contests to encourage people to leave comments.

Yes, blog commenting is still an effective strategy for building relationships with readers, generating valuable discussions around your content, improving SEO through user-generated content (UGC), and increasing website traffic. It helps create a sense of community that can lead to higher engagement levels.

To encourage people to comment on a post, you need to create an environment conducive to discussion. This includes:

  • Pose thought-provoking questions related to the content
  • Request specific feedback from readers
  • Show appreciation for insightful contributions
  • Create an easy-to-use commenting system

You cannot force someone to comment, but you can make it more likely by:

  • Being responsive in the comments section
  • Showcasing grace when receiving criticism
  • Rewarding good comments
  • Simplifying the comment form and entry action
  • Showcasing recent comments with a recent comments widget
  • Encouraging blog owners to leave comments on other blogs
  • Using social media to gather feedback and engage with social followers
  • Offering an RSS feed or email subscription to keep readers updated on new posts
  • Keeping posts fresh and relevant to encourage people to leave comments

By following these blogging tips, you can increase blog comments and create a thriving community around your content.


In conclusion, increasing blog comments requires a multi-faceted approach that involves engaging with readers, establishing guidelines, and simplifying the commenting process. By being active in your comments section, acknowledging insightful contributions from readers, and addressing concerns or queries raised by commentators, you can help build a community around your blog. Also gracefully accepting constructive criticism while rewarding good comments through highlighting top contributors in monthly or quarterly roundups is crucial to encouraging reader engagement.

To increase blog comments on your website today, head over to WallBlog for more blogging tips!

Youssef Hodaigui is an entrepreneur, blogger and SEO expert with a strong track record of success in launching and growing blogs and websites. He has a deep understanding of search engine algorithms and the latest digital marketing techniques, and he is committed to helping bloggers and entrepreneurs achieve their online business goals.

The Wall is a digital blog that helps the marketing, media and communications industries to understand the effects of emerging technology and media change. From ecommerce and email, to search and social media, The Wall features expert commentators and analysis of digital developments.


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