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Facebook Click-to-Call Ads: Boost Conversions and ROI

Facebook Click-to-Call Ads have emerged as a powerful tool for businesses looking to drive phone calls and increase customer engagement. By leveraging this innovative ad format, you can effectively reach your target audience and inspire them to take immediate action. 

Facebook click-to-call ads provide businesses with a convenient and effective way to engage with potential customers. By enabling users to initiate phone calls with a single click, these ads improve direct engagement and cater to the growing mobile user base. They can lead to higher conversion rates as motivated users are connected directly to the business. Click-to-call ads also offer real-time customer service, allowing businesses to address inquiries and build rapport. With detailed tracking and analytics, businesses can measure the performance of their ads and optimize their strategies. Overall, Facebook click-to-call ads are a cost-effective advertising option that enhances customer interaction and drives conversions.

Discover the top-notch Facebook strategies that can skyrocket your business success!

Facebook Click-to-Call Ads

Understanding Facebook Click-To-Call Ads

These ads, now available for both Reach and Website Traffic campaigns, make it easier than ever to generate leads through phone calls by integrating a call button directly within the advertisement.

What are Facebook Click-To-Call Ads?

A Facebook click-to-call ad is an advertisement that features a clickable button allowing users to start a phone call with your business directly from the ad itself. These ads can be a great way to engage customers and generate high-quality leads.

Benefits of Using Click-To-Call Ads

  • Increase lead generation: By making it easy for potential customers to contact you via phone, these ads help boost lead generation efforts while also providing valuable insights into which marketing strategies work best at driving calls.
  • Better customer experience: Users appreciate the convenience of being able to connect with businesses quickly and easily without having to leave their social media platforms or search online for contact information.
  • Gather valuable data: With each incoming call generated by your click-to-call ad campaign, you gain access to important metrics such as caller demographics and interaction history that can inform future marketing decisions.
  • Capture high-intent prospects: People who choose to call after seeing an advertisement often have higher purchase intent compared with those who only browse websites.

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Setting Up Click-To-Call Ads in Reach Campaigns

Reach campaign with Facebook click-to-call ads focuses on maximizing ad exposure to your target audience while encouraging them to call your business directly from the ad itself.

Creating a New Reach Campaign

To create a new Reach campaign, start by logging into your Facebook Ads Manager. Once there, click on the green “Create” button and select “Reach” as your objective. Give your campaign a name and proceed to the next step.

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Targeting Options for Audience Selection

To ensure your click-to-call ads are successful, carefully select the appropriate audience using Facebook’s comprehensive targeting criteria like location, age, gender, interests, and behaviors. To do this, use Facebook’s detailed targeting options such as location, age, gender, interests, and behaviors. 

For example:

  • Location: Target users within specific geographic areas where you offer services or products.
  • Age & Gender: Select demographics that best represent potential customers who would benefit from calling your business.
  • Interests & Behaviors: Pick relevant topics or actions related to what you’re offering so that only those likely interested in making phone calls will see these advertisements appear across their feed.

Optimization Techniques for Better Results

To optimize the performance of reach campaigns featuring clickable telephone numbers prominently displayed throughout each individual advertisement component, consider the following strategies listed below which have been proven effective in increasing overall engagement rates amongst targeted populations:

  1. Ad Scheduling: Schedule your ads to run during business hours when you’re available to take calls. This ensures that potential customers can reach you immediately after clicking on the ad.
  2. Bid Strategy: Use a cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM) bidding strategy, as this will help amplify exposure for your click-to-call ads within your target audience.
  3. Creative Optimization: Test different ad creatives and formats, such as images or videos with clear call-to-action statements encouraging users to make phone calls directly from the advertisement itself.

Incorporating these optimization techniques into your Reach campaign setup will not only increase the likelihood of driving more inbound calls but also improve overall performance metrics associated with each individual advertising effort.

Implementing Click-To-Call Ads in Website Traffic Campaigns

Using click-to-call ads in your existing or new Website Traffic campaigns on Facebook can significantly boost the number of highly qualified visitors to your website while also generating more inbound calls.

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Steps for Creating a Website Traffic Campaign with Click-to-Call Functionality

  1. Create a new campaign: Start by creating a new Website Traffic campaign within Facebook Ads Manager. If you have already made a campaign, you can adjust it to include click-to-call abilities.
  2. Select ad format: Choose either a single image, carousel, or video as your ad format. Ensure that the visuals are appealing and relevant to encourage users to call your business directly from the ad itself.
  3. Add clickable call button: While designing your ad creative, include a clear call-to-action (CTA) that prompts users to make a phone call. Add a “Call Now” button with your business’s phone number embedded as the action URL. This allows users to initiate calls straight from their mobile devices without leaving Facebook.
  4. Publish and monitor performance: Once everything is set up correctly, publish your campaign and closely monitor its performance using key metrics such as link clicks or landing page visits along with incoming calls generated through these ads.

Deselecting Desktop and Connected TV Device Targeting

To ensure optimal results from click-to-call ads in Website Traffic campaigns, deselect Desktop and Connected TV from device targeting options. This will ensure that your ads are only shown to users on mobile devices. 

To do this, navigate to the “Placements” section in Ads Manager and uncheck Desktop and Connected TV under “Device Types.”

Optimizing Link Clicks or Landing Page Visits

To drive more calls through click-to-call ads in Website Traffic campaigns, optimize for link clicks or landing page visits by selecting either of these options as your optimization goal within Ads Manager. This will help Facebook’s algorithm prioritize showing your ads to users most likely to engage with them and make a phone call.

  • Link clicks: Choose this option if you want Facebook to optimize for people clicking on the clickable call button within your ad creative.
  • Landing page visits: Select this option if you prefer optimizing for users who visit a specific landing page on your website after clicking the call button in the ad. Ensure the page a user is directed to after clicking an ad’s call button is mobile-friendly and has easy access to phone calls.

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Tips for Upper Funnel Campaign Objectives Using Click-To-Call Ads

Understanding how to effectively use click-to-call ads in your upper funnel campaign objectives can greatly enhance customer engagement and lead generation and encourage users to take immediate action and connect with your business directly. 

Identifying Suitable Upper Funnel Objectives

Your first step should be determining which upper-funnel objectives are most appropriate for implementing click-to-call ads. 

Some common examples include:

  • Awareness campaigns aimed at increasing brand visibility among a broader audience
  • Consideration campaigns are designed to engage potential customers who have shown interest in similar products or services
  • Promotional events or limited-time offers that require an urgent response from the target audience

In each of these cases, integrating a click-to-call ad can help drive more direct communication between prospects and your business while also improving overall campaign performance.

Incorporating Compelling Messaging That Encourages Immediate Calling Actions

To maximize the effectiveness of your click-to-call ads within upper funnel campaigns, it’s essential to craft persuasive ad copy that motivates users to pick up their phones and dial immediately. 

Here are some tips for achieving this goal:

  1. Create urgency: Use time-sensitive language like “limited time offer” or “call now” to instill a sense of urgency in potential customers.
  2. Showcase value proposition: Clearly communicate what sets your product or service apart from competitors by highlighting unique selling points or exclusive benefits.
  3. Offer incentives: Provide special discounts, promotions, or bonuses that are only available to those who call directly from the ad. This can encourage users to take immediate action rather than delay their decision-making process.

In addition to crafting compelling messaging, it’s also crucial to choose appropriate visuals and design elements for your click-to-call ads. Employing attractive visuals or videos that display your offering in a good light can draw users’ attention and inspire them to dial in. 

Testing and Optimizing Your Ad Performance

To maintain success throughout your advertising efforts, it’s crucial to constantly evaluate the overall effectiveness of various aspects involved in your campaigns. This allows you to make data-driven adjustments based on the performance of your Facebook click-to-call ads.

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Monitoring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Your Click-to-Call Ads

Tracking KPIs is essential for understanding how well your Facebook click-to-call ads are performing. 

Some important KPIs to monitor include:

  • Click-through rate (CTR): The percentage of users who clicked on the call button within your ad.
  • Cost per click (CPC): The average amount spent for each user who clicks on the call button.
  • Total calls generated: The total number of phone calls received from users interacting with your ad.
  • Average call duration: The average length of time a user spends talking during a phone call initiated by an ad interaction.

Examining these measurements can assist you in recognizing regions where enhancements may be required or chances for further enhancement. 

For example, if CTR is low but CPC remains high, consider adjusting audience targeting or refining ad creative elements such as messaging and visuals.

Read: Facebook advertising tips

Split Testing Ad Creatives and Targeting Options to Improve Results

Split testing, also known as A/B testing, involves running multiple variations of an advertisement simultaneously to determine which version performs best. By comparing the performance of different ad creatives, headlines, and targeting options, you can make informed decisions about which elements to keep or modify in your campaigns. 

Some tips for successful split testing include:

  • Test one variable at a time: Focus on changing only one element per test (e.g., headline text or image) to isolate its impact on performance.
  • Use statistically significant sample sizes: Ensure that each variation receives enough impressions and clicks to get informative conclusions from the data.
  • Analyze results objectively: Use KPIs such as CTR, CPC, and total calls generated to determine which changes are most effective in driving desired outcomes.

Scaling Successful Campaigns While Maintaining Cost Efficiency

Once you’ve identified high-performing click-to-call ads through monitoring KPIs and split testing, it’s important to scale these campaigns while maintaining cost efficiency. This involves increasing ad spending strategically without compromising ROI.

 Here are some strategies for scaling successfully:

  1. Increase daily budgets gradually: Avoid sudden spikes in spending by incrementally raising your daily budget over time.
  2. Expand audience targeting cautiously: Test new target audiences with smaller budgets before fully committing additional resources.
  3. Leverage lookalike audiences: Utilize Facebook’s Lookalike Audience feature based on existing customers who have previously called your business through an advertisement interaction.

Taking a systematic approach to testing and optimizing your Facebook click-to-call ad campaigns will help ensure their ongoing success while maximizing return on investment (ROI).

Best Practices for Facebook Click-To-Call Ad Campaigns

Enhancing the success of your Facebook click-to-call ad campaigns requires using best practices that will not only engage potential customers but also ensure a seamless user experience. 

Crafting Engaging Call-to-Action Statements

An effective call-to-action (CTA) statement is crucial in driving more calls from your target audience. 

To create compelling CTAs for your click-to-call ads, consider the following tips:

  • Be clear and concise: Your CTA should communicate what you want users to do in just a few words. For example: “Call Now” or “Speak with an Expert.”
  • Create urgency: Encourage immediate action by adding time-sensitive language like “Limited Time Offer” or “Call Today.”
  • Highlight benefits: Emphasize the value of calling by mentioning exclusive offers or personalized assistance available through phone conversations.

Choosing Eye-Catching Visuals to Support Your Message

The visual elements of your ad play a significant role in capturing attention and reinforcing your message.

Here are some guidelines for selecting images or videos that will enhance the effectiveness of your click-to-call ads:

  • Showcase relevant imagery: Choose visuals that represent your product, service, or offer clearly and accurately. This can help establish trust with potential callers.
  • Incorporate branding elements: Your ad’s design should be consistent with other marketing materials and reflect your brand’s identity. This can include using your logo, color scheme, and typography.
  • Opt for high-quality visuals: Ensure that images or videos are clear, well-lit, and properly sized to maintain a professional appearance on various devices. You can find free stock photos from sites like Unsplash or Pexels.

Ensuring Mobile-Friendly Landing Pages for Smooth Call Experiences

A smooth user experience is essential when potential customers call your business directly from an ad. 

To guarantee this smooth transition, make sure your landing pages are mobile-friendly by following these recommendations:

  • Create responsive designs: Your landing page should adapt to different screen sizes and orientations without compromising the layout or functionality. Use tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test to assess your site’s responsiveness.
  • Favor simple navigation: Avoid cluttered menus and excessive links that may confuse users who want to call you immediately after clicking the ad.
  • Incorporate click-to-call buttons: Add clickable phone numbers in prominent locations on your landing page so users can easily initiate calls without having to copy-paste the number manually.

FAQs in Relation to Facebook Click-To-Call Ads

These ads enable users to directly call a business by clicking on the ad from their mobile devices. Success depends on factors such as targeting, ad creatives, and optimization techniques.

Absolutely. You can create call ads on Facebook using the Click-To-Call feature in Reach or Website Traffic campaigns. This functionality allows advertisers to include a “Call Now” button within their ad creatives, encouraging users to initiate a phone call with just one tap.

The most effective call-to-action (CTA) for your Facebook ad depends on your campaign objective and target audience. Some popular CTAs include “Learn More,” “Shop Now,” or “Sign Up.” For Click-to-Call campaigns specifically, utilizing a clear CTA like “Call Now” encourages immediate action from potential customers.

Click-to-Call Ads are digital advertisements that allow users to directly contact businesses via phone calls by tapping an embedded button within the ad creative. They’re designed for mobile devices and provide an efficient way for potential customers to connect with companies without having to visit websites or fill out forms first.


By understanding the benefits of click-to-call ads, setting up campaigns correctly, implementing them in website traffic campaigns, identifying suitable upper-funnel objectives, testing and optimizing ad performance, and following best practices for Facebook click-to-call ad campaigns, businesses can improve their overall advertising strategy.

If you’re looking to boost your business’s online presence through effective digital marketing strategies like Facebook Click-to-Call Ads, then contact wallblog today! Our team of digital marketing experts at WallBlog will help you create custom solutions that meet your unique needs while delivering measurable results. Unlock the potential of your business with us!

Youssef Hodaigui is an entrepreneur, blogger and SEO expert with a strong track record of success in launching and growing blogs and websites. He has a deep understanding of search engine algorithms and the latest digital marketing techniques, and he is committed to helping bloggers and entrepreneurs achieve their online business goals.

The Wall is a digital blog that helps the marketing, media and communications industries to understand the effects of emerging technology and media change. From ecommerce and email, to search and social media, The Wall features expert commentators and analysis of digital developments.


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