HomeBlogUX Design12 Web Design Best Practices to Improve UX in 2023

12 Web Design Best Practices to Improve UX in 2023

A visually appealing website can attract potential clients and increase engagement, but it’s not just about aesthetics. User experience (UX) also plays an essential role in web design, ensuring that users have a positive experience while navigating through your site.

The Role of UX in Web Design

User experience refers to how users interact with your website and their overall satisfaction level. It encompasses various factors such as ease of use, accessibility, navigation, speed, and responsiveness. When designing a website with user experience in mind, you’re guiding users towards achieving their goals on your site effortlessly.

A well-designed website improves accessibility for all visitors regardless of physical or cognitive ability levels. Thus, ensuring everyone has equal access to information on the internet.

In short, creating a great-looking interface isn’t enough anymore; now, we need to focus on the user experience. Good UX design improves conversion rates, customer loyalty, and search engine rankings while also instilling credibility and trustworthiness in your brand.

12 web design best practices to improve UX in 2023

1. Research Your Audience

To develop a website that meets the needs of customers, it is essential to gain an understanding of their demographic characteristics, interests and web-browsing behavior. Analyzing this will help you tailor your site’s layout accordingly. 

  • Conduct surveys or interviews with potential users: 

Gather insights directly from your target audience by asking them about their preferences and expectations when visiting websites similar to yours.

  • Use analytics tools for in-depth analysis:

Platforms like Google Analytics allow you to track user behavior on your site and identify trends that can inform design decisions.

2. Utilize Complementary Colors

Once you know your audience, try thinking about colors that will attract them. A visually appealing color scheme can enhance user engagement on your site. Choose colors that complement each other well while also reflecting the personality of your brand. To achieve this, you should study color theory for effective combinations and test various schemes using online tools like Coolors.

Test Various Schemes Using Online Tools

Utilizing online tools will help you experiment with different combinations before finalizing your decision. Some popular options include:

  1. Paletton: A versatile tool that allows users to generate custom palettes based on specific hues and harmony types.
  2. Colormind: A color scheme generator that uses artificial intelligence to create unique and visually appealing palettes.

Using complementary colors in web design can help create a visually appealing and harmonious user experience. 

3. Implement High-Quality Images

High-resolution photos of products, services, or team members add credibility to your business and can significantly impact conversion rates.

  • Invest in professional photography services: 

To ensure that you’re using top-notch visuals on your site, consider hiring a professional photographer who specializes in capturing images for web use. This investment will pay off by making your site more visually appealing and trustworthy to potential clients.

  • Optimize image sizes for faster loading times: 

While it’s essential to have high-quality pictures on your website, large file sizes can slow down page load times and negatively affect user experience. Utilize tools like TinyPNG or Squoosh to compress images without sacrificing quality.

Optimizing image sizes can have a positive effect on SEO, with reduced bounce rates due to pages that load quickly.

Investing in quality visuals crafts a polished, attractive website that appeals to viewers. 

4. Use White Space Effectively

In web design, white space is the empty space between content on your website or application. It’s also known as negative space and plays a crucial role in creating visually appealing designs that improve user experience (UX). When used effectively, white space can guide users to important elements on your site while reducing clutter.

The Importance of White Space

White space helps create balance in design by providing breathing room for different elements. It makes text easier to read by separating paragraphs and making them stand out from each other. By adding enough white space around images, they become more noticeable and help break up long sections of text.

Moreover, using appropriate amounts of whitespace improves accessibility for people with visual impairments or cognitive disabilities. For instance, increasing line spacing between lines of text can make it easier for dyslexic readers to distinguish letters and words.

Tips for Using White Space Effectively

  • Determine Your Content: Before designing your website or application layout, determine what type of content you want to display. This will help you decide how much white space you need between different elements such as headers, paragraphs, etc.
  • Avoid Clutter: Too many design elements crowded together without any adequate amount of whitespace creates an overwhelming effect which hampers UX.
  • Balancing Act: Use just enough white-space so that there is no over-crowding but not too much that the page looks sparse.

5. Responsive Design Principles

Nowadays, billions of individuals take advantage of mobile devices to surf the web. As a result, implementing responsive design principles is crucial for ensuring seamless navigation across different screen sizes and improving user experience (UX). By taking a responsive approach to web design, you can extend your reach and optimize the SEO of your website.

Employ Mobile-First Design Strategies

A popular approach among web designers is adopting a mobile-first design strategy. This method involves creating layouts optimized for smaller screens before scaling up to larger displays. The benefits include faster loading times on mobile devices and improved accessibility for users with slow connections or limited data plans.

Test Layouts on Multiple Devices Before Launch

To ensure your website’s design performs well across various platforms, it’s essential to test its layout on multiple devices before launching. Use tools like Chrome DevTools Device Mode, which allows you to simulate how your site will appear on different smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers. Additionally, consider conducting real-world tests using actual hardware whenever possible.

6. Making Your Website Accessible

Another crucial aspect of web design is web accessibility. Guiding users through your website’s content is essential, and it’s equally important to ensure that everyone can access it. By implementing accessibility features, you can make your website more user-friendly for people with disabilities, such as visual or hearing impairments.

Use Material Design Principles

Material design principles are a set of guidelines created by Google to help designers create visually appealing and accessible websites. By following these principles, you can create a website that is both aesthetically pleasing and easy to navigate. Material design principles include using bold colors, clear typography, and intuitive navigation.

Provide Alternative Text for Images

Providing alternative text for images is an essential part of web accessibility. Alternative text, also known as alt text, is a description of an image that is read aloud by screen readers for people with visual impairments. By providing alt text, you can ensure that everyone can access the content on your website, regardless of their abilities.

7. Include Search Functionality

This principle allows visitors to quickly access relevant information, enhancing their overall experience. To optimize this functionality, consider implementing the following best practices:

  • Integrate autocomplete suggestions: By offering real-time suggestions as users type in their queries, you can help them find what they’re looking for more efficiently. Autocomplete features not only save time but also reduce potential frustration caused by misspellings or vague terms.
  • Prioritize search result relevance: Ensure that your website’s search engine displays results based on relevance and importance rather than just keyword matches. This way, users are more likely to find exactly what they need without having to sift through unrelated content.

Incorporating an efficient and user-friendly search function into your website’s design not only benefits end-users but also contributes positively towards your site’s overall performance in terms of search engine optimization (SEO). Remember that a seamless browsing experience will keep potential clients engaged with your content longer – ultimately leading to higher conversions and customer satisfaction levels.

8. Optimize Content with Keywords

Incorporating the right keywords strategically throughout articles, blog posts, and other web pages can boost SEO rankings while making it easier for users to locate pertinent information quickly.

Perform Keyword Research Using SEO Tools

Keyword research helps you identify popular terms that potential clients are searching for within your niche. Utilize SEO tools like Ahrefs’ Keyword Generator or Google Ads Keyword Planner to find high-traffic phrases related to your industry. Once identified, incorporate these terms naturally into your content without overstuffing them.

Monitor Keyword Performance Regularly

Maintaining a strong online presence requires regular monitoring of keyword performance. Tools such as SEMrush or Google Analytics can help track how well specific keywords rank on search engines and provide insights into necessary adjustments in your strategy.

9. Internal Linking Strategy

Next comes the internal linking strategy.

By strategically placing internal links throughout your site, you can guide visitors to related content and help them navigate between pages without getting lost or frustrated.

  • Create comprehensive site maps: A well-structured site map serves as a roadmap for both users and search engines, making it easier to find relevant information within your website. Regularly update your site map as new content is added.
  • Use descriptive anchor text for links: Instead of using generic phrases like “click here” or “read more,” opt for meaningful anchor text that accurately describes the linked content. This not only improves UX but also contributes to better search engine optimization (SEO) performance.

To further enhance UX, consider implementing tools such as breadcrumb navigation or incorporating visually appealing call-to-action buttons that encourage users to explore more of what you have to offer on your site. 

Additionally, be mindful of link placement within paragraphs; avoid clustering too many links together so that readers can easily distinguish between different topics being discussed in each section.

10. Intuitive Menus and Navigation

Intuitive menus and navigation not only improves the user experience (UX) but also helps guide potential clients through your site effortlessly. 

By using clear language and strategically incorporating whitespace, you can provide a streamlined navigation experience for users of all technical expertise levels.

  • Group similar items in the menu structure: Organize related content under appropriate headings or categories to make it easier for visitors to find what they’re looking for. For example, if you have a blog section on your website, group articles by topic or theme.
  • Avoid overly complex dropdowns or mega menus: While these may seem visually appealing at first glance, they can often overwhelm users with too many options. Stick to simple dropdowns that display relevant subcategories when hovered over.

11. Incorporate Gamification

Gamification is the process of adding game-like elements and features to a non-gaming environment, such as a website or application.

 Incorporating gamification into your website’s design can make it more interactive, engaging, and visually appealing for potential clients.

Gamification Elements You Can Add To Your Website’s Design

You don’t need to be a web design or development expert to incorporate these simple yet effective gaming concepts into your website’s design:

  • Reward Systems 

This could include points-based systems where users earn rewards based on actions taken (such as completing surveys), badges that unlock after certain milestones are reached (like visiting the site daily), or even virtual currency that can be used within the platform itself. For example, Duolingo uses a points-based system to encourage users to complete language lessons. The more lessons you complete, the more points you earn and progress through different levels.

  • Leaderboards 

This element can be used in many ways on your website, such as displaying top contributors or showcasing high scores achieved by users. Leaderboards are an excellent way of promoting healthy competition among your site’s visitors. An example is Fitbit’s leaderboard that allows users to compete with friends for daily step counts and other fitness metrics.

  • Progress Bars 

This gamification element helps break down complex processes into smaller steps so that it becomes easier for users to understand what they need to do next. A great example is LinkedIn’s profile completion bar which encourages its members to fill out their profiles completely by providing visual feedback on how much of their profile has been completed.

Gamification elements like these not only make your website more engaging but also help guide potential clients towards desired actions. 

12. Prioritize Security Measures

Firewalls, encryption, antivirus software and SSL certificates on the server-side can help guard your website from potential issues while lowering bounce rates.

Regularly Update Security Protocols

  • Stay current with patches to minimize security holes by regularly updating all software components.
  • Schedule regular audits of your site’s security infrastructure to identify areas needing improvement.
  • Follow OWASP guidelines for best practices in web application security.

Educate Employees on Cybersecurity Best Practices

In addition to implementing technical safeguards, it’s essential to educate employees about their role in maintaining a secure digital environment. This includes:

  • Familiarizing them with common cybersecurity threats such as phishing attacks or malware infections.
  • Providing training on how to create strong passwords and enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) where applicable.
  • Encouraging safe browsing habits by avoiding suspicious websites or downloading unverified files.

A well-rounded approach towards website security not only improves UX but also fosters trust among potential clients who value their privacy and personal information protection.

Implementing these 12 web design best practices to improve UX in 2023 can significantly enhance user engagement and satisfaction.

To get started on improving your website’s UX/UI today using these best practices, visit wallblog.com and get access to hundreds of articles regarding blogging and web designing!


For improved UX in 2023, focus on researching your audience, selecting an appropriate color scheme, using high-quality images, implementing responsive design principles, integrating search functionality, optimizing content with keywords and internal linking strategies. Additionally, prioritize website security and invest in web performance technologies while staying current with trends and continuously analyzing user data.

Web designers can leverage user feedback by conducting surveys or interviews with potential users. Analyzing customer reviews or comments on social media platforms also provides valuable insights into areas of improvement. Implementing usability testing sessions where users interact with the website will help identify pain points that need attention.

  • Incorporate tools like Google Analytics, Hotjar, or UXCam for gathering insights about user behavior. 
  • Utilize frameworks such as Bootstrap or Foundation for responsive designs. 
  • Optimize images using services like TinyPNG. Employ A/B testing tools like Optimizely to evaluate different versions of your site.

To optimize designs for mobile devices, adopt a mobile-first approach by prioritizing content display on smaller screens first before scaling up to larger ones. Test websites across various screen sizes and browsers using tools like BrowserStack. Implement responsive design principles and ensure proper touch targets for interactive elements.

Youssef Hodaigui is an entrepreneur, blogger and SEO expert with a strong track record of success in launching and growing blogs and websites. He has a deep understanding of search engine algorithms and the latest digital marketing techniques, and he is committed to helping bloggers and entrepreneurs achieve their online business goals.

The Wall is a digital blog that helps the marketing, media and communications industries to understand the effects of emerging technology and media change. From ecommerce and email, to search and social media, The Wall features expert commentators and analysis of digital developments.


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